Social Behavioral Sciences
In alignment with SUSLA’s mission statement, the Division of Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education (AHSSE) provides a comprehensive education in the fine arts, humanities, social sciences, and education, which lead to opportunities for teaching, service, workforce development and life-long learning. AHSSE provides an essential component to a liberal arts education by promoting analytic, interpretative, interpersonal, and communication skills that facilitate self-discovery, collaboration, civic engagement, and excellence. Nearly every student at SUSLA takes courses in the division of AHSSE; therefore, we provide instruction and experience in skills that are critical to every career and educational pathway.
The goal of the Louisiana Transfer Associate Degree is to maximize the transfer process, meet the needs of students who enroll at a 2-year college with the intent to work toward a baccalaureate, and develop a universal transfer program for which the coursework completed in pursuit of the degree will be accepted by all public universities in the state.
The transfer associate degree is designed to provide students with an opportunity to complete the first 60 hours of work toward a baccalaureate degree at a two-year or community college. Students who successfully complete a designated transfer associate program are eligible to enter a four-year public university as a junior, with all 60 (non-developmental) credits transferring to the receiving university.
The Louisiana transfer associate degree consists of a 39-hour General Education (GenEd) block and a 21-hour block of additional course work. Students who enter a four-year public university with this degree in hand will have met the institution’s general education requirements and will be granted upper division (junior) status, with all of its concomitant rights and privileges. This guarantee applies to those who successfully complete the degree with a grade of “C” or better in each course.
Students may complete either an Associate of Arts/Louisiana Transfer (AA/LT) or Associate of Science/Louisiana Transfer (AS/LT) degree, depending on interests and aspirations for further study toward the baccalaureate. Upon deciding on a prospective major, it is important that students do some research and seek advice about what the program’s prerequisite courses are so that they may be completed as a part of the AA or AS degree.