Disability Services


The mission of Disability Services is to facilitate the process of academic accommodations for students with disabilities and work in collaboration with other University departments in an ef-fort to ensure full participation in all activities, programs, and services of Southern University At Shreveport.


A person with a disability is any person with a physical or mental impairment, which substantial-ly limits one or more major life activities. Disabilities include but are not limited to mobility im-pairments, visual impairments, hearing impairments, psychological disorders, learning disabili-ties, and neurological disorders.


Appropriate accommodations enable a student with a disability to work equally with his/her peers but are not intended to place a student with a disability at an academic advantage. The Disability Services determines academic accommodations on a case-by-case basis. Examples of academic accommodations are extended time on in-class assignments and exams, distraction-free testing environment, and permission for a student to record class lectures.


A student seeking accommodations is required to provide medical documentation that will subs-tantiate the claim of a disability. A licensed professional qualified in the area of the disability must provide documentation on his/her office letter head. Documentation cannot be more than three (3) years old. The documentation should address the nature and extent of the disability as well as the recommended accommodations, and should describe how the specific disability im-pacts functions in the academic setting. The documentation should also address the specific di-agnosis, the tests used in making the diagnosis and, when appropriate, scores. IEPs or Education Plans should not be submitted in lieu of appropriate documentation.


In accordance with applicable law and university policies, Southern University at Shreveport en-sures equal opportunity for all qualified students with disabilities, without regard to disability in programs and services provided by the University. This commitment is in accordance with Fed-eral and Civil Rights Legislation, including Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act.


Faculty will not provide accommodations without proper notification from the Disability Services. It is the student’s responsibility to self- identify with the 504 Coordinator-Disability Services in the Student Success Center and to request accommodations each semester.


  • Student must self-identify with the Office of Disability Services and formally request accommodations.
  • Student must meet with the Disability Services Coordinator in the Office of Disability Services to discuss accommodations.
  • Student must complete an Accommodation Request Form/Application for Student Accommodations.
  • Student must provide any supporting documentation (medical records, testing, evaluations, assessments, etc.) within three (3) years.
  • Student must provide the appropriate class schedule and paid fee bill before or at the beginning of each semester/session.
  • Student must meet with the instructor to discuss academic accommodations.


Anjelica Hart, EdD
Disability Services Coordinator
New Classroom Building (NCR), Office 125
Phone: 318.670.9367


Monday-Thursday 8:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm


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