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Mission Statement

Southern University at Shreveport, a unit of the Southern University and A & M College System, a historically black comprehensive community college serving Northwest Louisiana and beyond, is committed to teaching and preparing traditional and non-traditional students for degree attainment, transfer, workforce, continuous learning and self-improvement. This preparation is available through multiple delivery methods and instructional sites for students seeking certificates, technical diplomas and associate degrees.
To fulfill this mission, SUSLA is committed to:
Providing university parallel college transfer programs designed to meet the requirements for the lower division of four-year college or university programs,Offering one-and two-year career programs designed to meet the demand for technicians, semi-professional workers, and skilled craftsmen for employment in industry, business, the professions, and government, including associate degrees in art, sciences, applied sciences, as well as certificate programs.
Providing developmental education designed to prepare individuals for successful completion of occupational-technical curricula or university parallel college transfer curricula.
Conducting continuing education programs carefully designed to meet the lifelong learning needs of the communities served by the University; Continuing education courses are non-credit or for-credit. Non-credit courses can be taken for occupational upgrade, personal satisfaction and enhancement. Credit courses can be used for transfer credit, an associate degree or certificate, occupational upgrade or career change.
Operating comprehensive student development services such as counseling and advising designed to facilitate educational, vocational, social and personal growth.
Conducting research of the type appropriate to the Institution, especially the development of new and/or enhanced educational programs and offerings based on community needs.
Providing specialized community service programs that are designed to improve the quality of life and meet identified cultural and educational needs within the Institution's service area.