University Police
Having as our mandates, the protection of life, the preservation of peace and the safeguarding of property, this department is determined to enhance and enrich the quality of life for those who attend/live, work or visit our campus.
As a means of fulfilling these efforts, we are committed to being a leader in Campus Law Enforcement in the Philosophy of Community Oriented-Problem Solving Policing. We will constantly transform the organizational culture, structure and policies and procedures to enable the department, faculty, staff and students to work together to ensure public safety within the university community and its immediate neighborhood.
We concur with the belief that the only acceptable level of safety is the “absence of crime and hazards.” However, such a lofty accomplishment is not realistic; nonetheless, all of our endeavors to prevent, minimize, and solve the occurrence of such acts must be collectively attacked. Our partnership with all internal entities of the university, immediate neighborhood and the community at large, is for delivering the best possible services, and is known as Interactive Campus Oriented Policing (ICOP). Our cooperative and proactive deeds allows for the advancement of flexible and dynamic strategies that utilize human resources and technology for educational progress, and a safe environment.
Thank you for your support in all matters.
Our Mission
The Southern University police Department exist to provide a secure and safe environment through Professional Law Enforcement Services that enhances the educational process, while partnering with University Entities, immediate neighborhood through a professional Police Agency dedicated to the "Spirit of Service" while engaging all available resources.
Our Values
Service: We are committed to improving the quality of life on our campus and within the surrounding neighborhood by constantly striving to work with the community to solve problems and to be responsive to their needs and concerns.
Integrity: We will uphold the trust of the Administration, Faculty, Staff and Student Body by being honest, truthful, and consistent in our actions. Our level of accountability will be of the highest standards or moral and ethical conduct possible.
Respect for the individual: We will respect and protect the Constitutional Rights of all persons, treating them with courtesy and respect and using force only when necessary. We are also committed to protecting the rights of employees and balancing such with management privileges.
Department Goals
While the following goals are perpetual if not immutable in nature, our methodologies are subject to intensification, revision or change. This process of strategic and tactical decision making involves a wide range of individuals inside and outside of the university community. Additionally, our actions are woven into the fabric of the Master Plan for Southern University at Shreveport.
To develop and maintain a partnership with all entities of the University Community
Student Government Association-SGA, Faculty Senate, Class Presidents, Student Center Board, Facilities Personnel and Office of Student Affairs will meet at minimum two (2) times per semester or as the need arises in order to discuss existing or potential problems and offer solutions. The Chief of Police or his designee will lead the stakeholders in this proactive/coactive effort to prevent, minimize and solve problems.
To develop a more highly skilled diverse and dedicated workforce
We will endeavor to enhance our officers through training, education and career development by exposing them to internal and external training venues. Officers are also encouraged to enroll in classes at SUSLA for their personal enrichment and to foster their understanding of academic life. In furthering our efforts we will provide an environment of high levels of responsibility and support them to be “the best they can be.”