Emergency Preparedness

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) describes an emergency as “any unplanned event that can cause deaths or significant injuries to employees, customers or the public; or that can shut down your business, disrupt operations, cause physical or environmental damage, or threaten the facility's standing or public image."

One measure of an organization's strength is its ability to respond well in an emergency, since every scenario cannot be predicted, an emergency management plan must be able to quickly adapt to events as they unfold.

To respond to an emergency situation in a safe, effective and timely manner.

Operations Plan
A procedural document for organizing, coordinating and directing available resources toward the control of an emergency.

The plan includes a chain of command establishing the authority and responsibility of various individuals. The purpose of this plan is to establish clear guidelines detailing the appropriate response to disaster and crisis situations. The goal of this plan is to limit the loss of life and property in the event of an emergency or crisis that affects the operations of Southern University Shreveport. These procedures apply to all University personnel and properties owned or leased by Southern University Shreveport.

The Emergency Operations Plan is consistent with established practices relating to coordination of emergency response actions.This plan incorporates the use of the National Incident Management System to facilitate interagency coordination between responding agencies. The University will cooperate with federal, state, and local emergency management agencies and other responders in the development, implementation and execution of its emergency response plans. Nothing in this plan shall be construed in a manner that limits the use of good judgment and common sense in matters not foreseen or covered by the elements of the plan.

University personnel and equipment will be utilized in accomplishing the following priorities:

Protection of Human Life
Support of Health, Safety, and Basic Care Services
Protection of University Assets/Property
Maintenance of University Services
Protecting and Maintaining the University's Image
Counseling or other necessary steps to restore well being on campus
Restoration of General Campus Operations
Assessment of Damages and of the Crisis and Revision of Procedures

Emergency Notification

Southern University Police will initiate the emergency notification system. This emergency call-out system will be tailored to notify only those individuals required to respond to a specific emergency. Current notification rosters will be maintained within the University Police Department. Departments and individuals who have a response requirement will provide updated emergency notification rosters as necessary.

Declaration of Emergency

The primary responsibility for monitoring emergency threats and events resides with the University Police Department. UPD operates on a continuous 24/7/365 basis and is always available to receive emergency communication from a variety of official and public sources. In any type of emergency, the UPD Shift Supervisor (Senior Officer) should follow standard operating procedures. If the emergency warrants, he/she should communicate immediately with the University Chief of Police. If the Chief of Police is not available, UPD will follow established order of succession procedures. Based on information obtained from appropriate entities, the Incident Commander will initially declare the level of the emergency and may activate portions of the Emergency Operations Plan to the extent necessary to control the situation.

Succession Procedures

University's Chancellor or his/her designee upon the receipt of information of an emergency event or threat of an emergency through the following chain.

The University Chief of Police will first contact the following members of the Administrative Policy Group in the following order:

Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Vice Chancellor for Workforce Development
Director for Institutional Effectiveness
Director for Information Technology
Special Executive Assistant to the Chancellor

Upon activation, appropriate Emergency Operations Group members will be notified and should report to the designated command center as directed. The University Incident Commander shall review the circumstances of the emergency with the Emergency Operations Group and determine the appropriate response. Administrative Policy Group Members will also be contacted and may also be present.

It should be deemed necessary to warn the university community of an impending emergency or threat situation, UPD is designated to maintain Communications with appropriate entities to activate alert warning resources and activities. Based on the initial report, and information obtained from other appropriate sources, the University Incident Commander will declare the level of the emergency.

Assessment Recovery Group

The Assessment Recovery Group will meet at the end of each emergency in order to assess and evaluate the handling of each situation and to determine how to deal with similar situations in the future. This group will also assemble a minimum of once per year to review the overall campus emergency preparedness plan, and to recommend training and alert notification procedures.

Plan Development and Maintenance

Southern University at Shreveport Police Department is responsible for coordinating the preparation and continuous updating of the Emergency Operation Plan (EOP), and for its compatibility with those of Federal, State and local agencies. Additionally, UPD will train and provide emergency notification literature to those individuals and departments that will assist in carrying out the Emergency Operation Plan.

General Instructions for All Areas

In an effort to ensure your safety the Southern University at Shreveport Emergency Operational Plan has specific action plans for the emergencies listed and other common emergencies.

Please review the following suggestions that will aid responding personnel:

  • Stay calm, Visitors and students will depend on your actions.
  • Close all doors to confine the fire. As you leave the room where the fire is located, close the door to the doors located in the corridors, at elevator lobbies and stairs.
  • Activate the fire alarm.
  • Report the fire dial 318.286.6647 or 9ll. Give the exact location of the fire and what is burning. Identify yourself.
  • Evacuate the building by following your building-specific plan.
Additional Instructions

Hazardous Material
Telephone Bomb Threat
Dangerous Person or Active Shooter

Exercises and Training

Knowledgeable and Trained personnel are imperative for the proper and prompt execution of Southern University's EOP plan. SUSLA Police Department will ensure that all response personnel have a clear understanding of their assigned responsibilities in a disaster situation, and what their role and responsibilities are in relationship with other entities of the EOP. All personnel involved will participate in University-wide exercises at minimum once per year, by tabletop and full scale situations as appropriate. All such exercises will be under the direction of University Police providing all involved the opportunity to practice their functional roles under emergency simulated conditions.

Specific and intricate details of this EOP are available only to the Administrative and Operational Groups. If further information is needed, you may contact University Police Department at 318.670.6349.

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