Chairman's Welcome

We would like to welcome you to the website of Department of Engineering & Technology (DoET) at Southern University-Shreveport, Louisiana. All Engineering, Technology and Technical programs are housed in the DoET at Southern University-Shreveport, Louisiana. 

Since the inception in 1988, the Department of Engineering & Technology programs has undergone significant changes including the addition of new exciting programs spurned by the synergism of dedicated faculty, investment of local, state, and governmental stakeholders and ambitious students who are the major factors for our success. From the beginning, we have challenged ourselves to combine our great HBCU traditions of friendliness and a welcoming environment with exciting and new emerging technologies. 

As you peruse the pages of the DoET website, we hope to give you an idea of our efforts in forging this convergence of traditional excellence and modern high-tech education. The Department of Engineering & Technology is housed at the Alphonse Jackson Building. Our classrooms, which are multimedia equipped, facilitate the process of instruction and active learning. The program offers a well-balanced selection of courses in electronics and electronic devices, energy and power systems, process and petroleum operations, industrial and quality assurance, computer technology, computer networking, and control systems. Course offerings are aimed at providing a robust education for students who will seek employment in engineering technology areas or in related fields.  

A brief overview of the Engineering & Technology programs is presented here to demonstrate our current standing. For more detailed information on our wide-ranging educational and employment opportunities, I invite you to examine the curriculum, student and program outcomes and faculty descriptions provided on this website.

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