- Virtual Advisement
- Academic Requirements
- Accreditation
- Admission to Clinicals
- Application
- Application Flyer
- Articulation Agreement
- Degree Plan
- Employment Data
- Entrance Requirements
- Handbook
- HESI Exam Announcement
- Orientation Meeting
- Program Effectiveness Data
- Program Overview
- Student Learning Outcomes
- Contact Information
Academic Requirements
- Possess a high school diploma or equivalent
- Have completed twelve (12) hours at SUSLA
- Have a score on the ACT or the University Placement Test sufficient to place the student in college-level courses
- Possess a strong education background in Biology/Science
- Have a 2.5 cumulative GPA or higher. It is recommended that students enroll in and successfully complete as many general education courses that are a part of the curriculum before enrollment in the clinical portion of the Program
- Students must take RADT 103S, SENL 101S, SBIO 221S, SBIO 221LS, SBIO 222S, SBIO 222LS, SMAT 121S, and SPHY 102S before gaining admission to the Radiologic Technology