- Components of Program Assessment
- Institutional Reports
- Outcomes Assessment Cycle
- Outcomes Assessment and Quality Management
- SACS Reaffirmation Efforts
- Student Achievement Data
- Workshops, Trainings and Presentations
- Writing Assessment Results
- Writing Student Learning Outcomes
- Writing the Use of Results
- Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs
- The Academy of Excellence
- The Assessment Library
SACs Reaffirmation Efforts
House Concurrent Resolution (HCR) 69
Managing Through Uncertainty: Destination Success Presentation
Institutional/Student Profile
Admissions Standards
Number Students Admitted
Percent of Students of Students Admitted
Number of Resident
Number of Non-resident
Cost of Attendance (tuition/fees)
Average Student Loan Amount
Percent on Financial Aid
Average Financial Aid award
Campus Crime Statistics
Average ACT Score
Student/Faculty Engagement
Percent of Lower level classes taught by full-time faculty
Average Teaching Load by Discipline
Average credit hour taught per student
Number of type of general education courses required degree programs
Transfer criteria
Process for evaluating program effectiveness
Explanation of student outcomes for each program
Satisfactory academic progress definition
Percent of faculty who possess the highest degree possible in their given fields
Academic Achievement
Freshman to Sophmore Retention
Freshman to Sophmore Retention Graduation Rates (Use IPEDS GRAD Rates)
Percent of Students taking Remedial Courses
Average Time to Degree
The average scores on externally validated, nationally benchmarked, outcome assessments in core areas including writing, mathematics, and general education, if applicable.
Measurements of Student Satisfaction
Average Scores on outcome assessments (grad school admissions tests, licensure exams)
Job placement rates by discipline-IN PROGRESS
Institutional Efficiency/Fiscal Conditions
Percent of budget spent on: Instruction Public Service Academic Support** Student Services Institutional Services Plant Operations/Maintenance Total E&G Expenditures Transfers out of agency Athletics Ratio of administrative staff to total staff Classroom and Lab space utilization General fund appropriations (including ARRA) per in-state full-time equivalent student Total Expenditures per full-time equivalent student